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KA Shiva is a Designer, Entrepeneur, psychic Guide, Facilitator & DJ
offering You
>> Assistance in the Dreamfield <<

Assisting you to unlock YOUR HIGHEST potential,
to follow YOUR CALLING, LIVE and EMBODY your destiny,
to share YOUR unique MEDICINE with the world.


Bookings & Sessions available:

LOVE + Relationship,
Sexuality + Intimacy





Assistance to NAVIGATE in the DREAMFIELD: CREATE Opportunities and RISE to Challenges

Abundance + Manifestation Strategies to set + reach your




​Inner Growth and Spiritual Development to

KA is a qualified guide and psychic, initiated in: essential Reiki, Deeksha, Egyptian Light Healing, TheTemplate Codes 1-16, Krija Yoga & Tantra Kriya via the BabaJi - Sarasvati lineage, Cobra Breath, ISTA Level I+II
... and LIF
E ... with 3 children.

He has the ability to see through the veils and effects of constructed realities, helps you to find blockages and heal the traumata behind it.

KA works on SOUL & SOURCE level with sound & SPIRIT guides, empowering MIND and transforming mindsets,
but also activating the BODY with tantric practices, ecstatic dance & martial arts such as Tai Chi & Shaolin Kung Fu.

Assisting you to unlock YOUR HIGHEST potential, to follow YOUR CALLING, LIVE and EMBODY your destiny, to share YOUR unique MEDICINE with the world.


Feel free to contact me for any personal queries

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© 2022 by KA V. Shiva.   All Rights reserved.   Content reproduction is prohibited, unless with explicit permission and only if
unaltered & credited
with link to
WildLove.Earth     Simply reach out to us with a quick message. We're happy to cooperate.

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